Body Fat Tester Kit - Includes Fat Caliper and Measure Chart
Get the skinny on body fat.
A body fat tester is easy to use, and is an essential tool for monitoring your health and tracking your fitness progress.
Excess body fat is associated with an increased chance of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Emotional health and well-being can also be at risk due to societal pressures to be thin.
Can you have too little body fat?
Just as with having too much body fat, there are health risks associated with having too little body fat! Some of these include hypothermia, vitamin toxicity, and both cessation of menstrual cycle and osteoporosis in women.
Remember, some fat is necessary. The fat that surrounds the spinal cord, heart, and vital organs is called "essential" fat and is necessary to sustain life. Essential fat makes up approximately 9% to 10% of total body weight in women and 2% to 3% in men.
Includes FREE body fat guide!
Body Fat Tester instructions and Body Fat Inter
Body Fat Tester Kit - Includes Fat Caliper and Measure Chart
Hi,I did the following:
Which scale would be best for monitoring body fat percentage and weight?I'm looking for a scale that can accurately tell me my body fat percentage and weight. I know that no machine is 100% accurate, and that the fat % is not the most accurate way to find out, but I think it'd be nice to have one. If not, could you recommend a good scale?
Uh, again, I'm looking for a scale...
Posted by melisse piske
The obvious way to burn fat is to eat less and exercise more often, the problems appear when we in reality attempt to put that into practice! There are a lot of opportunities to fail out there aren't there?! I discovered some splendid help by visiting the website in the box below, they have a lot of guidance, I melted away 10 pounds by doing as they advised.
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